GP MedCare Systems was established in November of 2001 and is the product of over 40 years experience in the precision metal fabricating industry, and 30 years experience in the design and marketing of drug distribution equipment.   We manufacture in a state of the art facility in Hackettstown, New Jersey.

Our advantage is our ability to produce a superior product in terms of both quality and design at less cost than similar products.   Because GP manufactures for the automotive, computer and healthcare industries amongst others, not all of our overhead is tied into the manufacture of medication carts.   This overhead savings is passed on to our customers.

Our promise to you is to never loose focus as to the cost pressures of the long term care industry.   It is essential that medication carts be viewed as capital investments and not as disposable items.   It is this understanding that goes in to the production of each cart we manufacture.

Contact Us for more information on our complete line of medication carts for long term care.   We look forward to working together with you.


Bill Gnade

GP Medcare



Plant Address 434 Sand Shore Road Hackettstown, NJ 07840 • Sales Phone (973) 985-1241
Sales Fax (973) 949-4553 • Plant Phone (908) 684-2516 • Plant Fax (908) 850-5926